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Bath Soccer Club

  •  Bath Soccer Club Behavior Contract
  • The Bath Soccer Club is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all participants, including
    players, coaches, officials, volunteers, and spectators. In line with this commitment, the club has established a behavior
    policy agreement.
  • All players must agree to the following:
  • ● I will always strive to improve my skills and improve the team by participating in all practices.
    ● I will follow the directions of my coach and be willing to accept constructive criticism meant to draw attention to
    areas for personal improvement.
    ● I will strive to be a team player and give due credit to my teammates and avoid personally criticizing my
    teammates and coaches.
    ● I will respect the ruling of the referee. While it is acceptable to ask for clarification, is it not appropriate to argue
    with or act out towards the game officials.
    ● I will practice good sportsmanship and show respect toward the referee and opposing team’s coaches and
    players at all times. The use of profanity and/or offensive gestures toward officials, players, spectators or coaches
    will not be tolerated.
  • All parents and/or guardians must agree to the following:
    ● I will support my player by ensuring they are prepared for practices and games.
    ● I will make sure my player knows that win or lose, I appreciate the effort made. I will offer praises more frequently
    than criticisms; and cheer for my own team, and not against the opponents.
    ● I will adhere to the “24-Hour Rule”.
    ● I will ensure my conduct demonstrates good sportsmanship and represents BSC in a positive manner as detailed
    in this document.
    ● I will refrain from physically, verbally, or psychologically abusing any player, parent, game official, spectator, Board
    member, or volunteer.
    ● I will ensure any friends, family members, or other spectators that support my athlete are aware of BSC’s
    commitment to good sportsmanship and supporting a respectful environment.
  • 24-Hour Rule
    Coaches, coordinators, board members and parents are required to wait 24 hours before discussing any game or
    incident/situation that occurred during the game which has provoked an adverse, emotional response or led to a hostile
    situation. The intent of this rule is to move an emotional and confrontational discussion away from the presence of
    players, to allow the parties to permit emotions that might be running high to wane, and to better compose themselves.
    Placing the provoking incident in perspective before meeting to discuss it lends the best opportunity for identifying
    constructive take-aways. When we honor the 24-hour rule, those life-lessons we seek for youth are more likely to be
    *Exceptions to the 24-Hour Rule will be allowed when the need for expeditious formal investigations of specific situations
    or disciplinary incidents are required. It is expected that such investigations will be conducted by the Executive Committee
    or Board Members be of neutral party to the incidents being investigated.

    Expectations for appropriate conduct
  • 1. Prohibited Conduct:
    Members of the Bath Soccer Club are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the values of
    sportsmanship, respect, and fair play at all times. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:
    ● Making threatening gestures, verbal threats, or aggressive body language towards players, coaches,
    officials, volunteers, or spectators.
    ● Using derogatory language, insults, or name-calling directed at others.
    ● Any behavior that causes others to feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or unwelcome within the club
    2. Consequences of Violations:
    Any member found to have violated the behavior policy agreement may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
    including removal or ban from all Bath Soccer Club activities.
    Disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to:
    ● Verbal warning.
    ● Suspension from participation in club activities for a specified period.
    ● Permanent ban from all club activities.
    3. Disciplinary Process:
    ● Upon receiving a complaint or observing prohibited conduct, the club's board of directors will conduct a
    thorough investigation.
    ● The member accused of misconduct will be given the opportunity to present their side of the story to the
    board of directors.
    ● Based on the findings of the investigation and the member's response, the board of directors will
    determine the appropriate disciplinary action.
    ● The decision of the board of directors is final and binding.
    4. Communication:
  • The Bath Soccer Club will communicate any disciplinary actions taken to the member in writing. Members found
  • to have violated the behavior policy agreement may also be subject to additional consequences as deemed
    necessary by the club board of directors.
    5. Appeal Process:
    ● Members have the right to appeal any disciplinary action imposed against them.
    ● Appeals must be submitted in writing to the club's board of directors within 48 hours.
    ● The board of directors will review the appeal and make a final decision, which will be communicated to
    the member in writing.
    6. Termination of Membership and Permanent Ban:
    Consequences for violations of this policy may apply to any individual associated with the Bath Soccer Club,
    including but not limited to players, parents or guardians of players, coaches, volunteers, and spectators.
    If an individual refuses to comply with the behavior policy, the club reserves the right to terminate their
    membership and impose a permanent ban from all club activities.
  • Parent and/or Guardian Signature:
    Printed Name: ______________________________ Signature:______________________________ Date:__________